Verified Profile
Verified Profile

To have a verified profile on Model’s Land, your first step is to be represented by an agency with an active account on our platform, or get verified by us.
Once you create a profile on Model’s Land, have your agency reach out to us, to get the verified account badge on your profile.
If you are not represented by an agency that works with us, however you still want to apply for a verified profile, you can do so by linking your Instagram account, and submitting a request form.
All requests, will have a 1-time administrative fee of $49.
Once you create a profile on Model’s Land, have your agency reach out to us, to get the verified account badge on your profile.
If you are not represented by an agency that works with us, however you still want to apply for a verified profile, you can do so by linking your Instagram account, and submitting a request form.
All requests, will have a 1-time administrative fee of $49.
Questions & Answers
How long does it take to get verified?
Depending on your response times, but on our side, it’s 1 working day.
How can I make the payment?
We accept most bank cards, as our payment processor is Stripe.
Can I get it for free?
All modeling agencies, with a site on Model’s Land, can verify a model’s account. Also, our agents can provide you a personal verification code, if you meet in person.
Is it useful?
Standing out from unverified accounts will get you farther, for sure. The Verified Account gives potential agencies the peace of mind the model is real.
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